#256174 - 02/12/09 02:46 PM
Re: KETRON AUDYA - what makes it unique and release dates ...
Registered: 07/31/08
Posts: 570
Loc: Ballarat, Victoria, Australia
Boy you guys are really hammering Ketron, I mean the thing isn't even finished yet, so give them a break, or you may just chuck away the greatest developement in arrangers yet. Shure, I have lots more questions b4 I may buy one, and it wont be without a hands on tryout, so give them a go, if you guys were as hard on Yamaha and Korg, wow I can only wonder how those keyboards may have improved till now, maybe thats it, we all need to put the torch on the other makers as well, at least I'm seeing and hearing more Ketron than I ever did with Korg, and Yamaha b4 a release to this point. Remenber they are not even in most countries for sale yet, so hold out there until you try it for yourself, and no keyboard is perfect remember that, I think that Yammy and Korg have learnt how to hide the flaws better!!!
#256178 - 02/12/09 07:10 PM
Re: KETRON AUDYA - what makes it unique and release dates ...
Senior Member
Registered: 05/13/08
Posts: 1144
Loc: Staten Island, NYC
Sorry guys, with all do respect, i dont know most of you and what you know but few of you in here are just blabering and i also know few of you dont even know how to turn a machine on. To some of you SuperArticulation or terms like Filters, Amps and other stuff is some Martian language...and here you are judging a machine that you probably never phsically see it, not buy it ...i repeat not all but you reall dont make sense...this is sad, you falling on a low level, this topic is not even my level to reply anymore and i wont on this topic anymore... DIKI said the rest...keep blabering... Originally posted by Diki: Do you even HAVE a sampler? Ever use one? How come you don't know this stuff? Thats a wrong queston, you should ask if some people even know what that is... [This message has been edited by Nedim (edited 02-12-2009).]
Cubase 8.5 Pro. Windows 7 X64. ASUS SaberTooth X99. Intel I7 5820K. ASUS GTX 960 Strix OC 2GB. 4x8 GB G.SKILL. 2 850 PRO 256GB SSDs. 1 850 EVO 1TB SSD. Acustica: Nebula Server 3 Ultimate, Murano, Magenta 3, Navy, Titanium.
#256181 - 02/13/09 08:39 AM
Re: KETRON AUDYA - what makes it unique and release dates ...
Senior Member
Registered: 10/27/03
Posts: 2417
Loc: CA
"Yamaha is USB 2, and is even slower..." Classic case of a keyboard manufacturer not using hardware that is optimized to take advantage of the USB 2.0 interface.  >> Okay, my bad. I thought the piano sample was being loaded from USB. OTOH, taking 30 seconds from the Hard Drive is even more disconcerting considering hard drive transfer speeds exceeds those of USB 2.0  The Audya probably has a chug a lug 4,200 RPM 2.5" HD I suppose. It is quite apparent, to me anyway, that we have "another"  manufacturer stopping up the pipes i.e. producing unneeded "bottlenecks" within the innards of the keyboard itself instead of optimizing it for highest efficiency and thereby taking advantage of transfer speeds inherent to the devices themselves. At least that should be the goal anyway. It is up to the manufacturer(s) whether they choose to instill optimum efficiency for all given devices inherent on the keyboard though - i.e. the CPU(s), memory controllers, mainboard(s) (northbridge/southbridge) FSB, Hard Drive/SSD (along with RPM spindle speed) and or SATA/IDE, USB interface type, capacitors, Flash RAM type, RAM type e.g. PC100/DDR/DDR2/DDR3 etc., etc., etc... >> And don't think it has to cost an arm and leg for those superior higher efficiency parts either, because in most cases it doesn't, except when we're talking about SSD's for hard drives. And it will probably take keyboard manufacturers another 20 years (since they lag the common computer industry timetable many fold  ) before we ever see SSD drives in keyboards. Unless, of course, things change within the keyboard industry...  Don't hold your breath though.  All the best, Mike
Yamaha Genos, Mackie HR824 MKII Studio Monitors, Mackie 1202 VLZ Pro Mixer (made in USA), Cakewalk Sonar Platinum, Shure SM58 vocal mic.