Okay, tried them out last night at the club. On poles, about 6' elevation (stage is about 1' off the floor, so slightly above head height), fed from Traynor K4 line-outs, mid control flat, vol adjusted to match the K4, approx. 6' apart (too much stereo spread can screw with the sim Leslie effect) and 2' behind (me and the K4). K4 is angled and on the floor. The real difference is when the club gets crowded and people start to muffle the body level speakers. The club owner (alledgedly) is a pro jazz guitarist so we sort of rely on him for feedback on sound. He was very complimentary and described the sound as 'happening'. In fact, I had to turn the 802's down a notch to get the right balance. Playing is so much more fun when you can hear what you're playing

. The only problem; hearing the rest of the group, especially the vocalist, when your instrument is so 'present'. This is always a problem when using a system outside the main PA. Any good hints that aren't too complicated. Just give me the gist of it, not the details (short attention span).
Here's another use I found for the 802's. Some of you may remember a Beherenger piano that I got from Costco for my grandkids to bang on. It looks teriffic but sounds terrible. On a whim, I plugged the line-outs into the 802's and voila'. Sound great? Noooooo.....but it sounded 300% better, good enough to play Xmas carols with the family and visiting neighbors. I may get another pair and leave them in permanently. More later, gotta help Fran reach 400.