Well, got mine. Thanks again to the reviews, I certainly would not have pulled the trigger without the informed opinions here. For me the savings I got with these was extremely important and was integral to me avoiding a used beat up old amp

They sound great! I can only compare them to my old keys amp (Peavey KB300). Not as much low end (that had a 15" speaker) as that amp but I wouldn't expect that. Much easier to carry! They are not as loud as I expected, but I'm suspecting my little Behringer audio interface of not putting out a very good signal. I don't have any other pro line-level gear to compare it with anymore, but I suspect I have quite a bit of headroom left. That said, on 7 they were as loud as I could comfortably stand in my bedroom "test studio"

[This message has been edited by Stokely (edited 03-10-2009).]