Nedim... why not take your own advice, and simply shut up until you have your own Audya..?
You're litany of 'How DARE anyone that hasn't bought an Audya criticize it' is nonsense, unless it is also accompanied by 'How DARE you defend the Audya if you don't have one'...
So far, all your claims of things like 'the audio loops will be fine, there won't be any 'missing chords' yada yada yada have turned out to be completely false (not that you have made the slightest apology for spreading misinformation - there, doesn't that sound better than simply 'lying'?
). Now there's another hanging issue, that you don't have the first idea of what the facts are, but 'blabber' on regardless (your words!). How come it's only US that are supposed to remain silent until we know the facts?
You see, Nedim, actually, it IS our job here at SZ to keep the manufacturers, dealers and representatives honest, and to call 'bull' when we hear claims that are obviously false or grossly exaggerated. Which, sadly, has accompanied the Audya since it's first announcement what is it, about three years ago..? Although audio loops for guitar parts may be new for an arranger (new-ish!) they have been commonplace in the computer world for years. For Audya to claim something that has eluded even the best of software guitar players naturally raises warning flags.
Now we have a ridiculous claim of audio compression that runs counter to anyone with even a hair of common sense and computer experience. And here you are defending it. Is it that you DON'T have any computer experience and common sense, or is it more that you simply don't have a clue what you are talking about, and rather than wait for your Audya to find out the facts, find it easier to simply try to shout down the understandably skeptic..?
The trouble with that is that you would have had to have been right at least ONCE in the past. Which, so far, you haven't. Most of us can recognize a shill when we see one. So before you try to shout down the voices of reality, first of all, realize that most of us here are NOT stupid enough to shell out five grand just to find out what the 'gotchas' are. We want to know them in advance.
And secondly, few of us here work with the dealers or manufacturers, so we are not getting one of these at the discount you are undoubtedly getting. It's all well and good to get something at so low a price that when you decide it's not right for you, you can sell it at no loss, and probably still profit from it. Most of us HAVE to know all the about the thing BEFORE we buy it.
If this hasn't occurred to you yet, it doesn't help your credibility... (or lack thereof)
[This message has been edited by Diki (edited 03-01-2009).]