Nedim, I'm not sure you understand the problem...
mrdave listened to the drum loops. The drum loops for the variations STILL had pickups in them (at least some of them). Hence they can't be turned off. Chevy THOUGHT that they might be some kind of AI thing originally, but mrdave seems to have shown that to be not the case. It's got nothing to do with the AI.
From what we gather from AJ, the AI adds things in to the main pattern, but nowhere has he said it can take things OUT.
Perhaps this time, for once, you could find out FOR SURE about something before you go announcing to one and all that everything's gonna be alright. You know, after that whole guitar chord thing.
If the main loop has a pickup or fill in it, the only way to stop it happening is to cover it up with another fill
Not exactly what Chevy wants, He just wants the variation pattern without ANY fills.
About the only thing I can think of that MIGHT do this is to cut the variations in half, make a four bar pattern a two bar pattern, an eight into four. That way, the pickup wouldn't play. Of course, with audio, this may be a lot harder to make sound smooth.
Nedim, you have made styles, haven't you? Do you usually program a fill at the end of a variation pattern? Or do you leave them straight, and let the user kick in the fill when he needs it? Because, on the whole, that's what most arranger styles do. Korg, on their longer (16 bar plus) patterns sometimes put a LITTLE pickup in, but, IMO, much more subtly than the Ketron ones.. Yamaha and Roland, straight through. The user kicks the fills.
Why have Ketron done something different here?