One new notes from today..
Norber just send us a new Live styler version with multiple ASIO Host features and now any VST can be embedded i Live styler too: On the Frank and Fan MS, they have first to running the ASIO Host Patch1, for run UP the Yamaha YXG50 VST and then the Live styler can play ovee it.
Now this last issue is resolved too, it mean that when you press the STYLE key, the Live styler run up, load the VST and ready to play the all yamaha styles.
More easy I think I can not make.
The second news is that we have REMOVED the Live tyles from the MS OS CD installer system and made it working like module, have only to extract the Live styler RAR file on Presets folder and the MS will load it.
Anyway..after LOST some nice MS orders from famous italian musician, we think that we will follow the Roland way,
Investing more for develope only professional Workstation keyboards and NOT TOP arranger.
First reason because the arranger market is less than the 3% worldwide and also because professional big musician will NEVER take one arranger keyboard on live stage group.
You can see yourself, all the big musician and groups use ONLY workstation keyboard for play SOUNDS and SOUNDS and not styles..

In to MS will still remain the Qranger system, because is full audio-midi-GIGA SEQ system and can be used as normally sequencer, integrated on MS system.
Who want, can continue use it for play styles, but for the all others can be used for a professional audio-midi sequencer, like the Roland Fantom-G or some like this.
Who want also can buy the MS Live styler module for pplay the yamaha styles with the VST plug-in, so..the system continue remain open.
When Norbert from Live styler release a new version, we have just to replace the livestyler.exe file and the MS will have new features, without that you there continue request me new features.
Another example:
after we have posted on homepage the Pianoteq3 VST and tested also that is working the new Pianissimo VST, get another order for a MS X-88 PRO, ONLY for play professional VST and GIGA pianos sounds on stage, instead that they have to buy the new Roland V-Piano, that cost a lot of money ONLY for play Piano sounds.
Our work here is try to optimize more as possible and in better the MS system, for manage more simple as possible the all desidered sounds and engines.
Frank, Fran and the all others can confirm, just press one MS key ( like the ORGAN for te B4) or the all Asio Host patch and the sounds ASIO/VST/GIGA is UP, ready to play.
I will be honest too: if you there are looking for a perfect styles balance, then this is possible only with the embedded system. I prefer invest more for the Professional Workstation keyboards for stage.
Enjoy what you play.