How much are they asking for the girl?

Did you notice when the camera panned in to the LCD screen it was still indistinguishable? In other words you couldn't make out what was actually on the screen at all?? So that must mean that you have to be right on top i.e. "front and center" to be able to actually see the graphics and text??

So, if your head moves a little to the right or left you suddenly are left in the "dark" and in more ways than one - i.e., not only can you not see what's on the screen, but you can't know where to proceed forward from that point - unless you had previously memorized all the settings beforehand and know what button you need to press at any specific point in time during the song? Needless to say, most of us don't have photographic memory recall. So instead of "getting into" your music you must stare directly at the screen and can't budge an inch??
Sorry Donny! You can't use an MS I guess.

Oops! Sorry.. I guess you can if you don't "get into" your music Donny. Almost an impossibility though right?

All the best,
[This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 03-22-2009).]