#259464 - 03/13/09 02:02 PM
Re: Reviews terminated and deleted
Registered: 01/14/05
Posts: 318
On 12-16-2006EnsnareyouWrote: "The Mediastation sounds pretty damned good and has an incredible dynamic range. In fact its dynamic response is much broader than the Korg Oasys which sounds quite amazing. I'd not call it unusable by any stretch but if you want to make that assumption based on an web MP3 demo, by all means that's your prerogative.
Most people are forgetting one thing about open ended systems, they are open ended for a reason. The end user can load and play whatever sounds, styles, VST's, or audio files they need or want to. While I do believe companies like Lionstracs can benefit by providing a larger stock library with their products, its not necessary for them to do so. The end user can easily achieve what they want with the Mediastation by simply loading new sounds, styles, and audio files in.... hardly a difficult task.
I have lots of GIGA samples and other VST's I use with my open ended keyboards (Wersi, Mediastation) and if I need more styles, sounds, etc., I'll buy them. I didn't get an OAS style system and expect the manufacturer to give me thousands of dollars worth of samples for free. You wouldn't buy a car and expect to get gas for free for the rest of your life. Do you expect computer manufacturers to give you for free all the programs you want to use with your new computer system? I'll bet not. Domenik and Lionstracs are giving MS users sounds, styles, VST's, and software for free so the user can utilize them, edit them, or choose not to use them if they are so inclined. That's pretty fair considering no other manufacturer to date has provided that type of support. Even the new software in my Korg Oasys came with a demo Plug-In that I had to spend another $250 to get authorized. Hardly free but still worth the money.
Every time I load a new OS, new samples, or new styles in my system it's like having a new keyboard all over again. Try that with an embedded keyboard!" ============================================Are you kidding..this is a review?how very..very general this unusable feedback is to the actual sounds/functions/thoughts during playing of the thing!I give this a review grade of almost a c-..when i am buying a new car,do i give a turd about the inner workings of the engine/upholstery/company ethnics primarily? NO,i want to see/hear it.. perform!.It's sooooo sad how some post their actual expeirence with it,then suddenly and rather Promptly erase their post as though they work for the CIA as though it was always a paid off cover up..is the MS another ill fated ponzi scheme?I sure would never buy a car if those who owned countinually were embarassed about talking truthfully about it,then,change their whole demeanor like the mafia said "Can it or else"!
from every KB;G70,E60,E80,psr9000,psr9000pro,tyros1,ty2tyros3 etc..never has one keyboard caused so much mysterious coverup!Like Goliath said before his encounter with David: "is there anyman among you" who can step forward from this cowardess of free thought without feeling as though some are gonna getchya?"
[This message has been edited by mr9000 (edited 03-13-2009).]