#259466 - 03/13/09 04:32 PM
Re: Reviews terminated and deleted
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14375
Loc: NW Florida
You all get ripped because all you do is TALK.... When was the last thing any of you actually played posted here? No shortage of ANY other arranger in audio form. You got me for claiming NO music had been posted last week or so. Perhaps I should always add the obvious 'for a long time (years)' every time I post?  The very people touting it's amazing capabilities are EXACTLY the same people that have never posted anything to back their words up. If it IS that good, what have you to be afraid of? Look, you showed me posting what, two years ago or so about a demo that the MS did that was pretty good, and positively, as well. There goes the theory that anything posted will get a slam, doesn't it? You can't have it BOTH ways... Every other arranger made has plenty of user demos up. Some good, some bad. Got my own G70 ones up. Not everybody likes them. So what? Think I won't do another one, ever? I don't get it. I LIKE the sound of my arranger, and am not ashamed to put it up for scrutiny. I don't expect everyone to like it. It's up because I like it!. Every MS owner here apparently likes their arranger. Difference is, hardly anyone, ever (that better?  ) puts up anything done on it... I'm baffled. If I thought I had done something exceptional, I can't think that a few disparagers would stop me from posting. Heck, I have the third most reviled arranger on this forum (after Wersi and MS). There are nearly as many MS owners here as G70 owners! But it doesn't bother me. When I am convinced that it sounds good, that's good enough for me to post. I'm not doing it to change anyone's mind. I'm doing it because I happen to LIKE it... maybe someone else will, too. But I'm not losing any sleep if they don't. If the MS is good enough for you to make music on it, how come it's not good enough to post here? As you've already noted, when it's good, it gets praised. NOW what's holding you back? 
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
#259471 - 03/13/09 07:15 PM
Re: Reviews terminated and deleted
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14375
Loc: NW Florida
I just don't see any hatred (except from some members' responses to me  ) to the MS. Lord knows, I've been saying since it first came out that, at what it DOES do, it's friggin' amazing! It is just that it doesn't do what 98% of arranger users want it to do AS WELL... If I didn't give a damn, I wouldn't post about it. It has the potential to be, as Dom claims, the best arranger ever. But potential and reality can be two different things. I want one of these! How can I HATE it?  I simply want it OOTB better than a T3, and I'll take it the rest of the way. Not have to spend months, years, whatever, just to get it to that point in the first place. If that costs more money, I'm happy to pay it. Now, if that isn't love, tell me what is! 
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
#259472 - 03/13/09 07:36 PM
Re: Reviews terminated and deleted
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14375
Loc: NW Florida
Oh, and Nedim... how about cherry picking your best MS stuff and linking it here? (I thought you hadn't got your MS yet?) I have googled you in the past. Got a bunch of balkan stuff that makes no sense to me, and a style page for the PA800 that, if I remember rightly, failed to set the forum on fire when you posted it a while back... Couldn't find any MS stuff at all... Google Youtube and Mediastation, you get some hardly inspiring camcorder demos and the LS demo, which kind of bears out what I've been saying all along... a translation, or a software XG soundset doesn't exactly cut it, compared to a T3 (or even a G70  ). If I have missed something an order of magnitude better than these, I apologize, and kindly point me to the 'good' stuff...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
#259474 - 03/14/09 01:36 AM
Re: Reviews terminated and deleted
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14375
Loc: NW Florida
Glad that's working out for you, Nedim.  If I had read more positive posts about them here, perhaps I might have had a better idea that they were commercially successful... They are pretty pricey, but given the dearth of Korg styles, probably you are right... people still need them. And I really AM glad you are making money off them. The more, the merrier, I say! So, other than that point, what say you about your MS demos? Do you mind linking to your favorite one? Sorry if I would prefer a western music demo, but a) I'm pretty unfamiliar with Balkan music, and b) I don't really have any Big3 styles in that genre to compare them too. As I noted with AFG and his Afghani music, perhaps the complete lack of any Big3 ROM styles in those genres makes what the users create easier to accept, because the bar isn't very high (or really doesn't exist at all  ). Trouble is, swing, bigband, Latin, rock, blues... there a boatload of styles from the Big3 that sound incredible. Tougher to match with your own styles compared to making Balkan music styles, I would think...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!