Dennis, Dennis.. Australia, correct?

Once an Aussie always an Aussie right Dennis?

Tell me, do all Australians have a propensity to get in a huff and vamoose like you're doing Dennis?

Nah, can't be mate. Nigel is still plugging away here at the Zone (although I've heard from his own lips that he's thought about leaving too..

You know Dennis, the good book says: "woe unto you when all men speak well of you", so trying to skip town to escape a little criticism from a few dastardly folks like Diki, etc.

- is no real reason to skip town at all in my humble opinion. In other words, it comes with the territory and especially here at the Zone as you've come to realize firsthand.

But criticism can actually make you stronger if you let it.
Don't run from it though mate. Because in reality, if you try to escape from it from here you will just run up against it somewhere else, right?

At least here you know what you're up against.

Sure we get upset, sure we're picky and we get obnoxious once in a while. >> One look at some of Diki's responses (and a recent pic he posted) tells you right away he's trouble..

But he means no real harm. None of us do in my opinion. Except maybe Ian perhaps.

[img][/img] LOL.. Sorry Ian, couldn't resist. [img][/img] And I've been known to go ballistic once in awhile too. >> Not that I wasn't provoked or anything. [img][/img] I like to call it righteous indignation but others may disagree I'm sure. [img][/img]
I say all of that to say this my friend. You've been a blessing to us here on the Zone with all of your insight, knowledge and quite frankly, all the support and kindness you've shown to other synthzone members during your time here. It will be sad to see you go if indeed that is ultimately what you've decided to do. [img][/img] I do hope you reconsider though. [img][/img]
And the same goes for Domenick of Lionstracs. If you guys need to take a breather then by all means do so. But when the anger subsides (if it subsides [img][/img] lol..) then know that you always have a place here at the Zone where you can call home - and get bombarded by a few stray IED's on occasion as well. [img][/img] But we're all men - and a few ladies here too as well of course. [img][/img] What's a little ribbing and a few knives to the back eh? [img][/img] What doesn't kill us only tends to make us stronger, right? [img][/img] Hope to hear from you soon Dennis. If not, then au revoir! It's been a pleasure to have known you. Same goes for Domenick too. [img][/img]
All the best,
[This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 03-15-2009).]