I don't say there are NO good styles in the MS. I say there aren't enough GREAT ones, ones that sound as good as a T3 or PA2Xpro (or even my G70). I simply go to the MS demo pages, listen to the styles there, then listen to my G70's ROM styles, and speak frankly about what I prefer.
The SOUND quality of the MS styles is great... 24 bit converters, nice big soundsets to use, but then I PLAY my G70, and the dynamism and balance smoothness of what I am hearing simply makes the 24 bit stuff moot.
There are a few great styles in the MS, in all probability. Trouble is, I don't need a few... I need a LOT.
Look, I've already said we don't need to hear a RH solo. Anyone can run the style section with one finger if needed... surely your chops are up to demo-ing these Roland conversions you've done? The darn thing even has an audio recorder built in. Take you five minutes to do. What's five minutes compared to how long you've actually spent posting on this thread since this morning?

It really sounds from how you post that you have made music on the MS that you are proud of. Why would you NOT want to share?

Just saw the last post... NO, NO, NO, NO, NO!

I do NOT want to hear how good a player you are. I want to hear how good an arranger the MS is. Play some chords, hit some fills and variations, keep it simple, forget the RH altogether. I already know what I can do with my RH. I want to know what the MS does with my LEFT...!
[This message has been edited by Diki (edited 03-12-2009).]