As I stated, I agreed with Captain Russ that this man has a world class, fully staffed, production company. I think that he probably has a marketing team trying to keep all the recording rooms full at top dollar. He is making his facilities, staff, and himself available - at a price. There are people who are willing to mortgage their homes for their dream.
I don't believe that the email came from the man himself. I don't believe that a Grammy award winning producer who's produced everyone from the Beach Boys to George Harrison to Neil Young and dozens of other super big names, I don't believe that such a person has time to open up emails from unknown artists and to listen to not only one song, but to my other songs on my myspace page.
I am sceptical that any of my songs were listened to, even the attached mp3 I sent. The comments on the song were too vague: "Watch the vibrato on your voice." That didn't seem to be spot on. And that I had more of a club sound, and I needed to move more towards a recording artist sound. I am amazed at the mix I created, but I don't think it sounds either world class studio or like it comes from a club. The drums, bass, piano, and background strings come from the PSR-S900 which does not have that live, club sound at all.
In the remote possibility that the email came from the producer himself or that someone there had seriously listened to my song, I thanked him for his time, and asked if he could refer me to a record label or a publisher.
I don't think this man is a scammer as his name does not appear in Google at all with the word scam, but I think that it is inappropriate for him to send emails in his name when they don't come from him.
Just as Warren Buffet has a price to deliver his wisdom if you pay to have lunch with him (by winning on Ebay), this man is likely to deliver his vast expertise for a hefty price as well.