Just a note about Bose's Pricing Policy- I found this out almost by accident the other day).
We're going to be getting the Packlite soon (a small Power amp - size of a paperback small(!) - and 2 more B1's) and I looked up my favourite local specialist Music store (Australia) and I noticed on their Website that a whole bunch of equipment was going up in price (due mainly to the Aus Dollar falling in relation to the Greenback) so I frantically called the store because I thought I had missed the boat to get a "normally" priced Bose Product(s).
So, long story short.
The guy tells me that Bose have in place a policy that keeps the prices "at parity" despite the fluctuating dollar - this apparently includes new stock - so upshot is, the price will remain the same for the forseeable future!
The guy said straight out he wished other companies had this policy.
I'm well aware that this post smacks of "I-love-Bose-even-more-now" but it really did floor me (and him, as he had to phone up Bose personally to confirm the future price) and I am just honestly, hand on my heart, reporting this just as it happened.
I don't know how Bose do business in the consumer side (I've never owned anything other than Pro-grade Bose equipment, i.e. The L1) but combined with their fan-freaking-tastic forums, I find it really REALLY hard to fault them in the professional world in regards to Product & service.