Her success is completely manufactured. She has been trying to make a career in music most of her life. Now Simon and his cronies have decided this is this year's 'Big Thing'...
And please don't tell me the 'public' has spoken. Sorry, but the public say what they are told to say. See what they are shown. Do what is expected of them. Baaaaa....

Think I'm being cynical? OK, explain that OTHER Idol 'sensation', She-Bang Huang...

I suppose, from the fact that he had his fifteen minutes, he MUST be a great and genuine talent too?

I mean, how could we POSSIBLY argue with what the 'public' likes? Oh, might as well put Paris Hilton and Kim Kardashian up in that pantheon, too...
I'm sorry, but the last few years have only shown us that ANYBODY can be made into a 'star', if only enough TV time is put behind them. Who knows, Kingfrog? Perhaps even you...