Now THAT'S Dale Carnegie in action...

Seriously, Dan, I don't disrespect you for not agreeing with me. It's the exchange of ideas and viewpoints that matters. I also feel that discussing negative points about an arranger (go to, and on our feature wishlist forum you will see I am FAR more critical of my G70 than I have ever been of the Audya - familiarity only helps spot things that can be improved) is NOT being 'negative'...
It's an honest attempt to articulate what could be BETTER on these musical tools, in a (perhaps vain

) effort to show the manufacturers and representatives that surf here what we as users really NEED in an arranger. Plus, don;t get me wrong. I have posted about how much I like the basic SOUND of the Audya, but I simply feel that it's core technology, the use of audio loops instead of MIDI, is a bit premature at our current level of technology.
IF... the guitar loops were capable of being streamed as per the initial announcements, IF they had been able to stream basslines, percussion lines, comping, all simultaneously, IF it was easy to import from other libraries to add to these phrase libraries, IF all the basic chord choices were covered, then yes, the Audya would indeed be worth the price it is going for. And if it were priced, in its' current semi-crippled state (vis a vis this feature) about the same as other TOTL closed arrangers, I would be VERY interested in getting one.
I simply feel that, as is, it is only a half step towards where it needs to be to be a usable musical tool for those OTHER than content with the ROM styles. Another generation or two of CPU and data buss technology needs to be available before it fulfills it's promise.
Now, if that is being negative, I'm sorry. Personally, I feel I am being positive about the future, but unsatisfied with the present. A push, perhaps?

Anyway, personally, I don't feel anger at ANYONE for simply disagreeing with me, and I hope that the Audya works out as successfully for you as you hope. Wouldn't have it any other way. But I have a feeling that it will work out FAR more successfully for you (and me!) when those issues I have commented on have been addressed...
In the meantime, my humble four year old $3500 (or sub-$2000 used) arranger is still wow-ing audiences and other musicians alike, and I can afford to wait patiently until the Audya's technology DOES mature and become a practical reality. And I wait with anticipation, to hear how well the Audya sounds in the hands of those willing to jump in and pay a new level of price for fledgling technology. I am sure it WILL be a new level of realism (Ketron's audio demos are spectacular), but until it is a bit more 'open' for those of us with different musical needs to the ROM styles, I think I can wait.
And in the meantime, perhaps Audya are looking into addressing some of our (not just mine!) concerns and criticisms. And that will benefit ALL...
Surely that is a positive thing?