Originally posted by Tony Rome:
"Well, to bring you all up to date, I have been extremely busy with my new son of 8 months."
"I just spent my 69th birthday in Feb."
Hmm.. If you're 69 and you just had a kid and you had a stroke prior to conceiving your child and then had another stroke two months prior to his birth, I just want to say congratulations!! - on what I consider a true and verifiable miracle Tony!
Not only is God good, he's definitely still in the business of doing miracles, as evidenced by yours.
Not to mention your wife who must be MUCH younger than yourself to be able to conceive a child at all. >> Some guys get all the breaks...
Say Hi to your MUCH younger wife for me and the gang okay Tony?
Oh, and do everything in your power to stay well and healthy for that new son of yours too.
And try to check in at SZ more often if you can, even though I realize your days are probably mainly consumed with sipping mint juleps on the beaches of Cozumel with your MUCH younger wife instead of playing arranger keyboards anymore.
MUCH younger wives have a way of doing that I would suspect.
Hey, and since your wife is still in her child bearing years (in other words still in her thirties
) you might want to start planning for 'another' addition around the house again soon too.
I would say God bless you but it is very evident he already has.
All the best,
[This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 05-04-2009).]