#262654 - 05/10/09 02:24 AM
Re: First Report on My New Bose L1 Compact
Senior Member
Registered: 07/27/05
Posts: 10606
Loc: Cape Breton Island, Canada
Originally posted by Diki: You are not the only one that buys a PA for the long haul... Though you may be right that Fran and I are the only ones here that one arranger is capable of satisfying for any length of time... Yes, my friend, but you and Fran are more easily satisfied than the rest of us, and are more content to stick with what you have, although I must admit, the old G70 still sounds pretty good. Of course, since Roland has not graced us with anything new, it may be more of a case of you guys having to stay with the status quo, rather than wanting to.  As much as I like my S900, and as much as I know it inside out, if Yamaha's next S-series has some things that I really like, I will most certainly get one. If it doesn't ring any bells, then, like you and Fran, I'm quite content with what I have... but, at least I will have been given a choice. Nothin' wrong with that now, is there?  Ian
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.
#262655 - 05/10/09 01:27 PM
Re: First Report on My New Bose L1 Compact
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14370
Loc: NW Florida
Well, I don't know about Fran, but I need more than just a new bell or whistle to jump ship. As you remember, I skipped the entire V/VA series while I had my G1000, simply waiting for something RADICALLY different, not just an incremental improvement. If Roland's NEXT G-series is merely as gradual a creep forward as Yamaha's model improvements usually are (to be honest, it seems that even they are only willing to make a great leap forward every ten years or so... Mega Voices, SA, etc.) I will probably be skipping it. In the meantime, there are LOTS of people happily playing T2's, PSR 3k's, PA1Xpro, etc., not to mention T1's and earlier, so I feel in good company with those that don't feel an urgent pressure to jump ship every new model comes out. It ain't just me and Fran, you know! 
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!
#262658 - 05/10/09 02:16 PM
Re: First Report on My New Bose L1 Compact
Senior Member
Registered: 07/27/05
Posts: 10606
Loc: Cape Breton Island, Canada
I haven't tried the Compact, but given how good my S900 (and the T3) sound through through the two L1's, I know you're going to love the results.
It takes me about 10 minutes extra, overall, to set up two systems....but it's worth it....and they aren't heavy....a big plus for me.
I am always amazed at both the clarity and spread of the sound, and the way the two systems seem to open up the stereo sound of the arranger...a buddy of mine has a Roland G-1000 and the two systems have the same effect on it....he's buying another L1 to match his first one, now that he's heard the substantial improvement.
Yamaha Tyros4, Yamaha MS-60S Powered Monitors(2), Yamaha CS-01, Yamaha TQ-5, Yamaha PSR-S775.
#262659 - 05/10/09 02:21 PM
Re: First Report on My New Bose L1 Compact
Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14370
Loc: NW Florida
Originally posted by hammer: I tried using just one cable from my L/R output into the Bose - did't sound good at all. Changed over to two cables into a combo gadget going into the Bose. Made a worlds difference in both sound quality and sound level. So much for that issue. The problem with this is that, to judge sound quality, you HAVE to compare at identical volume levels (you know about the 'perceived EQ/Vol curve' thing your ears do, don't you?). If the sound LEVEL changed a 'world of difference' when you went to the two cords and a mixer approach, you aren't REALLY comparing apples to apples... Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not saying there ISN'T a difference between mono out and external summing to mono, but without eliminating this variable you can't be sure... The other thing that puzzles me about the whole thing is, if this problem DOES exist (and is not simply a result of the volume jump two cords and a mixer will give you), why are Yamaha owners not INCENSED about this issue, and demanding a fix?  The electronics to make a true mono signal from a stereo one costs a few pennies, hardly something an expensive arranger can't afford to have on it... And this 'mono out' issue seems to have been out there for at least the PSR3k era onwards. It seems something that the Yamaha engineers would not ignore, if it WERE true... This is why, rather than endless 'anecdotal' reports of the phenomenon, surely just ONE person knuckling down and actually doing the DAW test would put it to rest once and for all. Either the flaw exists, in which case you have every right to INSIST that, even if they can't fix YOUR arranger, they make sure it never happens on any future model of Yamaha arranger, or it doesn't exist, and is merely a product of everyone's imagination after hearing the sound through a different mixer chain... (and mass psychology in action  ) It will only take ONE person to put this to rest. Permanently. Surely SOMEONE gives a damn? 
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!