And 'one two cha cha cha' is your effort to get things back on track?
Dan, the 'ass'ume comment is more directed at FUTURE Audya owners, that seem hell bent on ignoring issues that ARE apparent, and uninterested in finding out anything else until AFTER they have bought one.
Of course, that couldn't be YOU, could it, so why get worked up?
Let's face it, if Frank can see the point of this approach, and he has a living to make selling them, surely you could cut those of us with the same approach a little slack? Or start to berate him for confirming what many of us have known for a long time...
The three monkeys (See no evil, Hear no evil, Speak no evil) never got anything DONE. How could they, when they neither heard the need, saw the need, or said anything about the need? Of course, they never upset anyone, either. Me, I'd rather talk about the issues than pretend they don't exist. Other may disagree. I have as much respect for that opinion as they have for mine...