I bought the bose L1 as I explained before the replace my smaller Pa to use indoors at an acoustically challenged room we play in pretty regularly. It performed flawlessly! It sounded amazing.
After hearing it that night I had a thought to replace my larger JBL system with another L! to use at our large outdoor performance Frankieve and Ian use 2 systems on a regular basis. My thoughts were having 2 bose systems would cover almost any event I would ever be called to do.
This weekend kicked off our season at The Cape Codder Resort in Hyannis, MA. I decided to try the Bose L! model1
with a 2 subs (B1) to see if it would do the job without having 2 systems.
It took a few minutes to get the perfect gain staging. I set the Power stand to 3pm, The remote level was set to 12pm and the Tyros was set to 3pm. I used tone match 55 and set the low on the remote to 3pm.
Let me tell you, I was surprised how much sound came out of that thing in such a big area. It sounded great. I was about 8 feet to the right diagonally. The bass was boomin, chest thumping madness. The mids and highs were crystal clear.
I started to walk around the area while my wife selected various intros. It sounded fabulous. However when I got about 35-45 feet I did notice a loss of the strong bass punch, Although it still sounded loud and clear. I listend from various locations from 25 to 100 feet and the volume was amazingly the same no matter where i was standing.
I believe I can easily get away with 1 system so the JBL's are going up on craigs list. I would buy another bose to have if I do something much larger or knowing theres a backup in a pinch.
1 thing that bugged me with the bose was It drew tons of attention from the guests. I constantly would turn and see people hovering over it like it was a spaceship or something. I actually saw a little brat at one point standing on the powerstand pushing on the sticks. I almost flipped out. I stopped the show and gave a small speech. I have to survey the area next show and find a better layout for my setup. This may help!
My other problem is now that I'm using the mic direct through the tyros 2 I cant seem to get a good setting. As i would turn up the mic volume a little louder than the keyboard it would feedback and hum like crazy. I was tweaking it all night and still couldn't get it to sound good.
Anyone have any good mic settings for just some simple eq and reverb.
I'm so used to singing into a head with effects or a processor. My thought is the mic into input 2 on the bose would sound better but without reverb it stinks. Can anyone recommend a simple superquick portable reverb device to pass through and go direct into the bose.
I liked the mic control and effects on the pa2xpro way more.
Hope this answers any bose questions for anyone else.
God Bless,