Yes , i agree that is very disapointed that the O.S. 2.0 cames without the Style Creator.
Ketron told to Every Dealer in Frankfurt Musikmesse 2009 that Release 2.0 cames with it , there are a video where Alessio Aluno from Ketron explain what cames in 2.0.
I work here in Portugal with Ketron Labs from almos 22 years.
They make a big mistake when for the first time they show a Prototype in Frankfurt only to the dealers, 2 years ago.
German dealers film the demostration , someone take photos , and everyone know about this Keyboard and they stay in a inconfortable position.
Other Big Mistake , Ketron SD5 , cames out at the same time they show the AUDYA prototype.
You dont know , but SD5 , as SD1 , Xd9 are using same Motherboard , The motherboard from X1 series with small upgrades.
The SD5 must be a "Small" audya , maybe without the Audio Drums , but with the rest , and of course , the Pattern Edit and the MSP editor and some RAM , 64Mb will be good to a mid price Keyboard.
This will give Ketron Labs time to develop AUDYA.
But no , SD5 is almost the same of old Keyboards , better sounds , 64Mb Soundbank when SD1 as only 32Mb , but almost the same sounds and the same possibilities.
The Musicians want more , and Ketron Labs fell some pressure to put Audya in the Market in January.
But it was better they work 2 or 3 mounth more in the Keyboard , show again in Frankfurth and then deliver the Keyboard to the Dealers with all the Addons.
AUDYA is a fantastic Keyboard , sounds great , as lots of inovations.
Almost Everyone that buys the keyboard are happy.
But there are THINGS that Ketron Labs can not forget in this kind of Keyboards....
This is an arranger Keyboard , and they must have a EDITOR to the Styles and the MSP Editor...
Without this "Addons" ,ok , we can produce Styles , i produce almost 300 styles to Portuguese music , but i need to do the tracks in the PC , or in other keyboard , and transport the tracks to Audya to incorporate the Audio Parts from the Librarie.
Its a lost of time , when with a simple editor in the Audya , in seconds we can produce or edit the midi parts of a style , and then edit the style in the Style Modeling to add the audio parts.
And of course , to create new audio parts to incorporate in a style , because there are no audio drums to every kind os music , we must create specific audio drums to every country style , as also user live audio guitars libraries adapted to every contry styles.
I think that , 2 or 3 mounth more and they have the Keyboard with al the addons that are necessary.
But in my opinion , that was not a good politic from Ketron labs put a Keyboard in the market without all software completed.
Sorry for my bad english.
best Regards.
Fernando Cardoso [This message has been edited by fc_xander (edited 05-28-2009).]