You are nice boys...Thank you for your responses...

JOHN DILEO.... Yes, the Technics 7K has both an SD card and floppy disc memory card.
It also has a USB port and I do have a cord that reaches my computer.
Perhaps my choice to use the word "criticism" was a poor choice...Hind sight is always so good! Constructive criticism is always welcome from others IF I ask for it, which one of you also mentioned.
Your profile does not mention where you are?
I do appreciate your comments... Thank you.
HAROLD S. Nice to meet you as well... (My son, Rick...Harold R. S.... will be 60 the 5th of Nov.)
You are absolutely correct, music is in the heart... For me it is the voice of love that comes from the soul... For me, everything is perfect in it's own state at each moment, moment by moment... each moment is an opportunity to grow, to evolve and become all that is possible to be....
Looking for the good in all things and glowing with the flow of life is for me, what life is about....
It seems as though there is a bit of a philosopher in you also??? I think you might be a cool communicator.... I suspect you are probably a cool musician as well...
BILL IN DAYTON... I have been to your website many times... I like what you are doing very much.... I would come to see you if I lived closer or ever drive my only home, a Motor Home to your neighborhood...
Yes, John is correct about the memory card.
The SZ folks on the Technics forum have all been helping me do things I want to do and learn about the AWESOME KN7000 for a very long time....
One of my budz over there in the U.K. is currently helping me with getting my sequenced music onto CD.... My stumbling block is in my head.... I can play just fine for my audiences. When I play at home into the recording system (the sequencer)..I get stage fright as I know it will be heard by others that I cannot make eye contact with as I play! In addition, I am my own best/worst critic!
Your quote of what Donny (DNJ) wrote is exactly why I posted above... What he wrote is not in the least encouraging, for others who may want to participate... IMO...
I appologise for my poor use of "criticism."
It would be so wonderful to find another Technics or anykind of arranger player in my S.E. corner of New Mexico who would want to jam with me once in awhile, or close enough that I could travel in my Motor Home to jam with him/her...
On my first visit to Carlsbad Caverns, just 25 miles south of my home base, was so very impressive to my well as my eyes... There is perfect silence...not a sound unless water drips, words are spoken and/or any other sound that might happen. My first thought was that I wanted to bring my 7K into that place and play it! There were some workers near who heard me tell my companion that I wanted to bring my KB into the cavern.... A voice from a worker asked me what kind of KB I play... He told me he also plays a Technics... I have tried to find out who that man is without success....
Tomorrow morning at my gig, a man I have never met will be there to hear my music... He is a former University Prof... a PHd in music! I must spend the rest of today playing and choosing my best to play for him! I do that anyway for my little audience of seniors...
Thank you Bill for your nice response and offer to help....
My thanks to all of you for your very welcome responses.... I do appreciate all of you and my budz over on the Technics forum....