Catching up with EVERYTHING after being away for a month has been daunting to say the least, especially when we have out of town friends coming in the first weekend after we got back!!! ... and I'm just catching up with this thread ...
First of all,
THANK YOU cass for getting it started, and for getting past the initial 'speed bumps' ... GREAT JOB ...
And ... WOW ... I'm
First, let me say that when I started reading this thread I was getting
DEpressed ... but then the BS by the BSers stopped and I started to hear some music ...
I have
THOROUGHLY enjoyed all of the renditions of the two songs that have been performed ...
... I am not going to name names for fear of forgetting someone, but NICE GOING guys ...
Let's face it ... none of us is going to have platinum records, or be able to charge $300.00 a ticket for a concert...
But, there is a lot of talent out there, and obviously we love what we do ... and let's face something else ... most of us, if not all who contributed, are or have been (although there are NO has-beens in this crowd

) 'gigging' musicians, who have brought countless hours of joy to the public through the years ... and will for many to come ...
I commend and thank all of you who have contributed ... it's not easy to 'lay yourself out' in front of your peers, but you did so, admirably well ...
Hopefully this thread and others like it will continue here on the ZONE, because
THIS is what it REALLY is all about ... SHARING OUR GOD GIVEN TALENT ...
I am going to try to 'catch up' the next week or so, and maybe I'll get to 'lay MYSELF' out for all of you ...
Again, nice work, and let's keep it going ...
Thank you,