www.wersi.dk :
Det nye Wersi Pegasus Wing kan tilbyde Sinus Drawbars, Touchscreen, en
vægt på under 15 Kg., et moderne design, CD-brænder samt USB med et åbent
system inklusiv harddisk medie...
Dette skulle åbne ganske nye dimensioner for en Keyboard Liebhaver.
End quote.
In english that say that the new Wersi pegasus Wings can offer Sinus Drwabars,
wight less than 15 kilograms, a modern design, CD burner and USB carrying an
open system inclusive harddrive media.
This should open quite new dimensions for a keyboard lover.
Guess that's all for now, the pricelecvel aprox €4000 already mentioned earlier
in this tread, that's far less than the needed to grab the Audya.......
Wooppsss, forgot to "translate" about the Touchscreen!
[This message has been edited by Gunnar Jonny (edited 06-05-2009).]