FAEbGBD: "Saving a single [ . . . ] Much more work!"
Yeah, technically you're right, of course, but still . . . I mean, it's not all *that* hard.
Tracey: "There are 128 User banks I can save patches in"
Whoa. I hope we've been talking about the same thing all this time. There is *one* user bank with 128 patch locations. Isn't that what you mean?
"do I have to go through all those steps [ . . . ] for each of the 128 patches?! Not to mention having to keep switching disks in-between"
This is the only way I know of without using a patch editor, which is why I am curious to see what epu says about sending individual patches from an editor to the XP without having to convert to a .mid file.
I would point out that once one starts downloading patches and adding them to the custom user bank, you tend not to add all that many after a while. That is, your user bank becomes pretty well established. When I audition patch banks now, I generally pass over the vast majority of patches anyway, so you don't really end up doing this procedure all that often anyway.
[In fact, my User bank is essentially the JV-2080 E-Bank anyway with a couple of custom patches thrown in.]
"How many different ways are there to save these patches and what are the easiest ways' is what I want to know."
[Someone correct me if I'm wrong:]
You either
(1) save the whole bank as an .svd file as FAEbGBD points out,
(2) save each patch (or patch cluster, e.g., 23-26 or whatever) as sysex at the beginning of a dummy song, then load your custom user bank bank into the XP and then the patch you want to add to it, then use the Write function to add that patch,
(3) use a patch editor in your computer.
"But I have patches already created that I want to put there"
What format are the patches in? That is, where are they residing now and in what format? How did you get them into that format?
Tracey, you may want to explore getting a patch editor. I am way out of my element there because, as I said, my computer is not even in the same room as my XP, but it may be a good option for you. The most popular seems to be ChangeIt!
http://aragon.iitb.fhg.de/moss/ and I'm sure Jürgen would be willing to explain to you how it works and whether it will help you do what you want to do.
If after all this you still want to use the sysex-in-a-dummy-song route, we can walk you through the procedure. It's not all that hard.