Originally posted by Fran Carango:
The Mediastation's ability to play Yamaha styles via LiveStyler/Lionstracs...solved the problems of yesteryear...The arranger play runs as smooth as most top arrangers, with dedicated buttons and sliders to handle "live play"..
What is missing currently, even with the Qranger...the possibility to edit live ..styles and sequence parts....in real time while performing...
CDG support is forth coming...And the lyric screen can be as large as you need in the 8" screen..
The assortment of patch capabilities is SUPER..allows you to work without the need of any mixer....
Diki, you are right, I have not gigged with the MS, but use it all the time in the studio...Yes the few bugs that come up with the changing of OS and Linux updates can be disappointing....but as DNJ said....Dom is right there and solves the problem..even our own individual problem...either immediately..or within a short period of time..
The style play stands on it's own...with Livestyler..and the Qranger is the master at creating styles...
VST use is simply the best..
The combi mode is great..allowing the use of 8 patches to create the perfect user program...
Support..is simply unmatched by any company...Dom Rules.
1. Style play is NOT as smooth as top arrangers. No where near it. Ever try the manual bass button Fran, (doesn't work) try the one key button (it doesn't work) try the break button (doesn't work).....And this is even on the native styles..The "dedicated" sliders have to be re-arranged for every Yamaha style loaded. Want a pre-set setup of vol levels for your Yammie styles, forget it, can't be done. And the yamaha styles cannot be edited (on-board) to even just simply delete a part. No edits can be saved to the Yamaha styles.
2. Yep, agree here, absolutley NO editing of Yamaha styles at all. You would need to load up the various editors available for the yamaha and do this on your PC. And then transfer them back to the MS.
3. Yes you do seem to be keen on pushing for the CDG support, for someone who thinks we all use too many crutches, I cannot see why you would need lyric support.. and that is ALL CDG files do..add lyric support to MP3 files.
3.The bug in the Peformance function (this is the tool that takes a snapshot of the panel INCLUDING what data file you are using - be it MP3, Style or midi-) and then saves this to a performance slot for later recall. what happens at present is you can save it, but the second you select any performance..It crashes the MS totally. You HAVE to re-boot. A tad embarrassing in the middle of a set

4.Because certain people have been pushing for the inclusion of CDG support, I think Dom has decided to fix them both at the same time, but the Performance should have been fixed MONTHS ago. It is a vital " live" tool. It's quite clear Fran has never used this live, and in fact has NO confidence in doing so. Try it Fran then you can talk from experience like I am.
5. Live style play does NOT stand on its own in fact it is far from it. Again from soemone who has not used it "live" and only in your studio, you should not really comment on anything to do with this keyboard in a live situation.
6. Agree 100% - VST use and play is superb and second to none!!!
7.Combi mode is good, I even have some combis using 4 and 5 VSTs (at the same time

) BUT it will not save other data in use, IE mp3 file, midi file or style. So again I say if one is playing in a band and has NO need for using any of those, the MS is perfect as it is.
8.Support is exceptional, so again I agree fully.
There are other things but more of a minor nature, but I just thought I had better clear up the "overly rosy" picture being painted here.
That the MS is a super synth for use in a band or solo keyboard situation is un-challenged.
It is as a style player and total tool for a OMB that it has issues. Whether these things will be addressed remains to be seen. Native style editing with midis is a big issue as a user cannot access vital style creation data, so everything does need to be played live to get the correct bass wraps, get the right transpositions on chordal modes etc etc.
On audio style creation it does fare better. As long as you have patience to find JUST the right loop, beat match them all and lay it all out in a coherent and cohesive manner.
I would say audio creation of styles is the easier of the two and I suspect this is the main focus of it, audio.
BUT I have to caution people who want to try and create styles from a complete audio "song"...In theory this can be done simply by using the markers, but in real terms, the use of these does not work. Quite glitchy and noticeable where the divisions are.
No, the user needs to construct styles from audio loops, of which there are millions, so the styles are inherently better as they are using live instruments for the most part, played by real players. This function alone, in my view, "kills" the Audya.
For this task I believe the MS will be SUPERB, I only say believe as I have, at this stage, only tinkered "around the edges", but having this experience and listened to the excellent audio styles created by another user, Magica Alfa, I am very confident this is the way to go.
I have been busy creating "work-arounds" for the other issues on the MS, but this is settled now and I can start creating audio styles.. I have several thousand loops and samples so it should be fun

To be honest I was looking at selling the MS, and indeed found a buyer, but this person has been hesitant to go forward and it has given me pause, pause to re-consider selling it at all.. And to perhaps give it one more go.
If the ONLY thing that gets fixed is the Performance function, then for me the MS would be complete..........Oh and the external screen...that'd be cool too

I am not going to do any other sort of review, but if anyone has follow up questions for me, or Fran or Dom...As Fran said you just got to ask....