Can anyone email these to me. For some reason (probably that I have a somewhat older computer and not the latest OSX) my browser won't play esnips content.
However, I have always been aware that you can do loop construction with the MS. But, as spalding points out, that is a LONG way from being an 'arranger'. In fact, it is much more like WS's currently are. For trance styles, and hiphop, with their limited chord needs, this is cool. But try to play Desafinado on ANY of these types of things...! OK, that's an extreme example, but really... the whole POINT of an arranger and styles is to be able to play any music you want to on a style that you pick. Not have the style as the song itself, and IT picks what you can and can't play on it.
One of the HUGE drawbacks with transposing a loop, as opposed to a MIDI arranger playing a different chord, is that, with the loop, EVERYTHING gets transposed identically. There are no 'wraparound' points for different sounds, there are no different NTT's for guitar chords, there are no rules to prevent a bassline (or any instrument) from going outside it's natural range... As long as you stick to synth sounds, this is not such a big deal. But real instruments, playing real music (

), don't behave at all like this.
Modern MIDI arrangers have all kinds of sophisticated algorithms to stop the 'parallel chords' problem, and keep getting better and better at programming realistic playing techniques such as voice leading and inversion following, some guitar modes recognize where in the chord recognition area you are playing your trigger chord, and adjust the chord's inversion on the virtual guitar neck. Loops can't do ANY of this stuff. But it merely takes better and better sampled instruments to take these into near totally convincing country, and you get all the advantages of a loop (realism... that's about it!) with none of it's disadvantages (which are legion).
A loop is a loop is a loop. You can change it's pitch (globally) and you can speed it up or down. But you can't do a FRACTION of what you can do to a MIDI loop...
For people that play synth music, trance, techno, hiphop, rap, the MS looper tools seem great. But at real music played on real instruments, it still, IMO has a LONG way to go to beat MIDI.falls short