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#265137 - 06/06/09 11:43 AM Re: New Video Added by Lionstracs
miden Offline
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Registered: 01/31/06
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Originally posted by Magica Alfa:
I can only say that I'm satisfied user of [b]MY LIONSTRACS MEDIASTATION, if you like that or not.

All what you only dream on other keyboards here is possible. But you must know how to use that for your own good.

Magica ALFA

[This message has been edited by Magica Alfa (edited 06-06-2009).][/B]

As am I Magica...I AM a satisfied user. I point out just 2 things and all of a sudden its implied the MS is not good. IT IS.

It must be a language thing because Dom does not seem to understand the concept that a person can fully understand something but disagree.

I disagreed with the time frame of ONE fix on the MS. BUT I understood the argument why Dom is waiting to fix it.

In other words if I were in Dom's position I would probably do the same thing.

All along I have said this was the ONLY thing that really bugged me. The styles are not the best feature and even Dom admits that.

I have never criticised the overall operation of the MS, in fact I have praised it many times, but all people want to focus on is the .05% negative comment instead of the 99.5% positive comment.

I have my MS working like a dream. I have many multi-VST combis working, the player works well, I have setup all my own giga banks etc etc...Does that sound like a person who does NOT know the instrument?

And yes I did let myself get so frustrated with some things I even got to the point of trying to sell it, and to that end I even had a buyer, but something, I dont know what, made me pull back at the end and decide to keep it.

That was the correct decision. I would have missed all the great things about the MS that I really enjoyed.

My usual method is to study manuals and push buttons and play around but as there is a distinct lack of documentation, and I do not mean generic demos/manuals of basic operations, I mean in-depth tech data, I have asked for other details, some are simple some are not, but does this not show that I want to get deeper into this system?

As for the re-booting thing, it was indeed Fran who raised that by adding to a few posts, that he had to go an re-boot his MS again. All I did was to concur that I had a problem, that came up suddenly and without warning. But I do not see Fran being pilloried for making those comments. No I am being charged with creating all this fuss.

When its all boiled down there are but 2 things I have done,

1. said the native styles are average and that the LS is handy but in no way a proper editor (and to this end I AGREED with Dom that concerns on this needed to be sent to Norbert at LS NOT him)

2.Said I would have preferred the Performance function to be fixed earlier (BUT I have said repeatedly I UNDERSTAND why there is a delay so Dom can do both the CDG AND the performance fix at the same time)

Thats about it, I have made no other disparaging remarks and to be honest I think others have blown these comments into something not intended when I originally posted.

A friend said that my mistake here was NOT in what I posted, it was in not anticipating the audience for those comments.

I think he may be right.

As far as I know, this will be my last comment on this subject. Unless someone asks a direct question.


#265138 - 06/06/09 01:02 PM Re: New Video Added by Lionstracs
Diki Offline

Registered: 04/25/05
Posts: 14243
Loc: NW Florida
Simple fix, genesys. Find ANY post where the editing tools for the MS are mentioned AT ALL. You can use the search engine as well as I can. Find it, quote it, then come back to this thread. Until then, stop putting words into anyone's mouth. I have NEVER asked for a slowdown in editing tools. My main point has always been that Dom is constantly adding NEW features (I expected the editing tools to be good right from the start). That's ALL he ever posts about. In fact, Dom has never mentioned the style editing at all. But he HAS waffled on endlessly about Jack this, Dreamchip that, audio style loops, blah blah blah...

All the time with his product languishing because it sounds, out of the box (where one normally expects something to sound GREAT) worse than a PSR. I merely tried to point out that if he quit adding NEW features, and concentrated on making what he already HAD sound good, he might sell a LOT more arrangers.

But Genesys, you will NEVER find me asking anyone to NOT develop style editing tools. That is absurd. Take your 'agenda' and support it with actual FACTS. When you have to make stuff completely up to bolster your position, you look like a fool. You won't back up any of your assertions with any demos, and you are reduced to inventing other peoples' posts to support your claims. Your entire presence on this thread has been based on imaginary dialog.

We have a pretty good search engine here at SZ. The next time you THINK you read something, somewhere else, try using it. Your memory appears to not be that good...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!

#265139 - 06/06/09 02:03 PM Re: New Video Added by Lionstracs
to the genesys Offline

Registered: 10/22/03
Posts: 1155

OK Diki, you asked me to find an example of you telling Dom to hold off on features, well here it is in your own words.
“Domenik, give the new 'features' a rest. Spend EVERYTHING you have on style and sound development for a year, THEN go back and start adding OS improvements.”

Not only does this show you said what you are saying you did not say but it shows again the lack of understanding of the concept of the MS.

The style creation and editing tools (those were the “features” Dom was adding) were to enhance the arranger mode on the MS.

They were not general OS enhancements like color display, button usage and so on.

The next time you want to prove your self right, I think you should do the research first to make sure you did not make the statements you are now saying you did not make.

But I suppose in order to get your self out of this one you would probably say that when you were talking about features and OS, you did not know that those were directly related to style creation/editing tools on the MS.

#265140 - 06/06/09 10:34 PM Re: New Video Added by Lionstracs
Fran Carango Offline
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Registered: 05/26/99
Posts: 9673
Loc: Levittown, Pa, USA
How strange was this?

Tonight, I had an outdoor gig, on the deck near the bay...

The keyboard used........DRUM ROLL!!!!!!!!!

The MediaStation,X76 expanded...

Traveled 116 miles to the gig...Booted up, first time and all features/sounds worked...

PS: It is no longer for sale..

Used VST's , Giga sounds, player sequences/MP3's, Live Styler, Mic with effects, .......It worked all 4 hours..The only time the lights went off, was when I shut down for the night....

Traveled home another 116 miles....Set up the MS..booted up first try, and everything still works...

Maybe, she just wanted to get out of the house, and was on her good behavior...

#265141 - 06/06/09 11:03 PM Re: New Video Added by Lionstracs
to the genesys Offline

Registered: 10/22/03
Posts: 1155
Originally posted by Fran Carango:
How strange was this?

Tonight, I had an outdoor gig, on the deck near the bay...

The keyboard used........DRUM ROLL!!!!!!!!!

The MediaStation,X76 expanded...

Traveled 116 miles to the gig...Booted up, first time and all features/sounds worked...

PS: It is no longer for sale..

Used VST's , Giga sounds, player sequences/MP3's, Live Styler, Mic with effects, .......It worked all 4 hours..The only time the lights went off, was when I shut down for the night....

Traveled home another 116 miles....Set up the MS..booted up first try, and everything still works...

Maybe, she just wanted to get out of the house, and was on her good behavior...

So how did your audience react to you having the MS on a gig?

Did they come up to you and say the styles “suck”?

#265142 - 06/06/09 11:05 PM Re: New Video Added by Lionstracs
miden Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/31/06
Posts: 3354
Loc: The World
Bravo Fran...Good to see.. See it does work okay . As I said before I have not had any issues using it live...Just at home, LOL, maybe I am the opposite to you, mucks up a little bit at home, perfect little angel when out


#265143 - 06/07/09 12:02 AM Re: New Video Added by Lionstracs
spalding1968 Offline
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Registered: 09/19/08
Posts: 1264
Loc: United Kingdom
so i guess everythings alright then.....or maybe not....

Fran and Miden are you both now saying that you have every confidence that 99% of the time the MS works without any problems and you will use this instruement as your main instrument for the forseeable future? I have a 6 year old PA1X . Its the only keyboard i use. I use it at home , i use it at church , i use it at gigs. I play everyday of the week and it has been banged about a bit over the years.left it in the car overnight in winter when i was too tired to lift the beast out the boot in sub-zero temperatures :-) Never once have i swicthed the thing on and it did not work in exactly the way it was designed to the day i got it. I have never been in a position where switching on the PA1X would fill me with trepidation.

I know Miden has had his issues with booting up his MS. But i am interested in Frans use of the MS as he has had his longer than Miden.

Are you saying that Midens MS is simply an exception and that you have not had any knoweldge at all of problems with the MS ?

#265144 - 06/07/09 12:29 AM Re: New Video Added by Lionstracs
spalding1968 Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 09/19/08
Posts: 1264
Loc: United Kingdom
Genesys find a better qoute because you are misqouting again !!!

"OK Diki, you asked me to find an example of you telling Dom to hold off on features, well here it is in your own words.
“Domenik, give the new 'features' a rest. Spend EVERYTHING you have on style and sound development for a year, THEN go back and start adding OS improvements.”

Not only does this show you said what you are saying you did not say but it shows again the lack of understanding of the concept of the MS.

The style creation and editing tools (those were the “features” Dom was adding) were to enhance the arranger mode on the MS. "

Do you know what a misqoute is Genesys ?

You have substituted the word "Features" for "Style creation and editing tools" . If you read the last line of your qoute from Diki you will see tyhe context of the qoute in that he says "THEN go back and start adding OS improvements.”

What you have done is taken a qoute that had one meaning i.e stop adding additional functions generally and focus on sound and style development, and implied that it meant something else specifically , Stop adding editing and style creating and focus on styles and sounds. Its clear that this is a misqoute by the last line of the qoute !!!

Its genius Genesys except that there are laws preventing this kind of creativity.

Qranger and live styler are not style or sound developemnt. They are simply additional features that come under the general heading of "features" that an MS owner can use. Neither of them enhance the MS onboard styles or sounds which is clearly the point that diki was making. Unfortunately , that is still left for the MS owner to attempt to fix.

Find another qoute. This one does not work either.

[This message has been edited by spalding1968 (edited 06-07-2009).]

#265145 - 06/07/09 12:30 AM Re: New Video Added by Lionstracs
miden Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/31/06
Posts: 3354
Loc: The World
The boot issue has been well and truly fixed..

I have been using mine for acouple of months now for gigs. As I said before NO problems at a gig, jsut at home, and then rarely. the issue yesterday was rare, in fact the first time it has taken more than 3 reboots, again AT HOME.

I think the difference is I do lots of tweaking this and that and changing this and that and maybe its my fault in that I push buttons too quick.

But on the job , NO issues at all. Same as Frans first experience as noted above, I turn on at a gig and then turn off at the end.


#265146 - 06/07/09 12:34 AM Re: New Video Added by Lionstracs
miden Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/31/06
Posts: 3354
Loc: The World
Spalding, also, Dom has been quite upfront in saying there WAS an issue with the kernel (LINUX not MS) and the JACK load-up. He only got it confirmed about two weeks ago I think. But his latest patch has fixed that totally.
I betcha Yamaha/Korg/Roland dont provide a fix that quick, it take them weeks just to acknowledge there IS a problem in the first place, let alone provide a patch.

[This message has been edited by miden (edited 06-07-2009).]

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