No, actually, normal people could drive the Delorian...

I have said this before, but I think it is an apt simile. If you are looking for a car analogy, imagine a T3 to be a Ferrari. In that case, the MS is a 'kit car'. It is a highly powerful, incredibly technical car (let's say a Bugatti Veyron, for example) that arrives at your door COMPLETELY DISASSEMBLED!

YOU have to put it together. YOU have to test it. YOU have to troubleshoot any problems. All without a manual!

How many of us would be capable of building a Bugatti from the ground up by ourselves? All we want to do is DRIVE...

Dom has a Corvette (or used to, at least). HE didn't buy it in pieces and put it together himself. Why does he expect us to be able to do what he can't do himself?