The fact that only a minority reported the problems honestly has nothing to do with whether they exist or not. Everybody is playing the same MS OS...
It's a lot more to do with how defensive they feel about admitting that there are enough flaws in the MS to make gigging out live a PITA compared to a regular arranger. To my knowledge, Dennis was the only one here actually TRYING to make the MS work as an arranger. Seems like everybody else is using it for a mere VSTi playback keyboard, and using mp3/wav backing, or just using them to tinkle around at home.
To be honest, I really AM disappointed that Dennis had so little success getting the MS to work. When he got his, I thought to myself 'finally, we've got someone with one of these who is more concerned with actually USING it than telling everyone else how wrong their opinions are!' and I had high hopes that he would actually start posting some music to show us how wrong we had all been (rather than just tell us, but provide no proof, like everybody else with one!

). I am afraid I need a little more than the word of someone who is ashamed to post their own music to persuade me that all the obstacles I foresee in using this are not there...
But for those who wish to still 'defend' the MS, or point out that it isn't REALLY an arranger, or a live use keyboard or whatever any sane person would actually WANT to use a keyboard for... at this point, we are WAY beyond words. Dennis's are probably the first honest, unvarnished opinion so far from an actual owner. Anyone that wants to refute them had better do it by posting MUSIC. Because, in the end, the MS is a tool for making music. Show us you can do that well on the MS. We've heard all these tired arguments ad nauseam (including mine

). Just once, show us how we don't 'get it' by posting some MUSIC...
Oh, and Nigel... now even the moderator is out to stir things up?

ROFLMAO Truth is, I'm wrong often... just see Rule #2....