Originally posted by leezone:
Oh and none of those 60 styles or the 300 they have available are Polkas. This is Portugal not Poland....
Exactly my point... for those of us in the West, little of these styles are of much use, either. Probably about as much use to me as polkas are to you. So I'm not going to subject myself to listening to them ALL, in the hope that one might be a bit better than the rest. The first few were pretty lackluster, even by G70 standards.
Just curious, but why is it that only SOME of them rise to even your expectations? Let's face it, you only got enthusiastic about a few... Maybe the drums got better later on, maybe they didn't. Only a few got your nod of approval for the guitars, got anything that makes better use of the drums?
All I'm trying to say is, style nonetheless, without the Live Drums, these sounded no better than I have heard in many other FAR less expensive arrangers. That is, IF YOU DISREGARD THE STYLE, and merely concentrate on the SOUND and programming....
Does anyone NOT from Portugal feel that these styles represent any giant step forward?