[Sorry, copy from MIDI Sequencing & Keyboard Styles Forum]

Ok, here's one from me:
I composed loads of songs on a Roland XP50, and saved them in Roland's own format.

Found out that i can use software sequencers to modify the songs in an easier way than using the keyboard's sequencer. But in order to do that, I have to record the whole song from the keyboard's sequencer to the software sequencer (Logic Audio). Modify it there, then record it back to the keyboard sequencer - this, because I prefer listening to sounds independently from the computer.

Alternative: I save the song from the keyboard to the disc as a .MID format, and load it in logic audio, modify the whole thing, save it back, and load it back into the keyboard's sequencer. But this is ULTRASLOW with the xp50, especially with a 100KB song!

Question: Is there a sequencer software that can load a song directly from the keyboard's sequencer (fastest and most reliable technique), in a way that for example sound diver accesses and rewrites the sound banks of the keyboard?

regards, candelo