Well I thought it was very entertaining.
It's all been done before (everyone remembers that scene in the Tom Hanks Movie "Big") but they obviously had a great time playing (and filming) this - good fun!
I thought Diki's comment was funny.
Predictable of course - but predictable in the "Carry On" spirit of things (Diki knows what I mean by this reference

) sexual double entendres are a quintessentially British thing, and I find no harm in it, maybe others aren't as used to this style of humour/comment.
Diki, I think you have actually improved slightly in your comments and attitude to people on the Synthzone forums, though I do still stand by what I've said re you being majorly responsible for much of the malice/negativity/arguments here.
It's hard to disagree with much of what Russ said, and well said it was too.
I would add though, that despite the fact that what Diki says is (mostly) in jest, or just his "style", he nevertheless knows what hurt it CAN cause if taken the wrong way - he's not silly. That makes this behaviour just as wrong in my view - you can all cite "freedom of speech" etc but words that hurt, or taken as such, are still what they are: words that CAN hurt.