I see AJ hasn't chimed in to address some of the questions in this thread concerning the Audya i.e. is there pitch/bend or mod ability for the audio guitars??, etc. I guess he doesn't want to "rock the boat" anymore than it's already rocked eh?
If he replies the boat just might just tip over - so don't make waves by not replying.
Remember guys that Yamaha has a patent out for a similar type technology that the Audya uses i.e. an intelligent arranger that will add more variation and variety to Style playing. Strict looped based playing will soon be a thing of the past in my opinion. Yamaha is hot on Ketron's tail and will most assuredly have an intelligent based Arranger on the market with their next high-end offering. Yes, I mean the Tyros4 or whatever they decide to call it. It's still two or three years away though most likely but rest assured it
is coming. Most likely it will also come in at a price point quite a bit
under what the Audya costs too.
This won't affect the current Audya's sales of course because Ketron will probably already have the Audya's replacement in the final stages of development by the time the Tyros4?? makes it to market in 2011 or 2012. If Yamaha gets the Drums right on the Tyros4?? and they make a 76 key version to boot, it will give Yamaha a huge leverage over the arranger market and will definitely ignite sales. And adding an Arranger with intelligent design and functions will make it that much more appealing to the masses.
>> Be it known, I probably would have sprung for an Audya if it weren't for the astronomical price and the deficiencies in a few areas e.g. RAM, USB, etc. If Yamaha indeed has an intelligent Arranger on the market by 2011 or 2012 I'm almost positive it will be less expensive than the Audya's current price, making it well worth the wait.
>> I'm sure AJ is also relieved I won't be getting an Audya.
If I had gotten one can you imagine how much I would be picking his brain
>> Whew!! he says.. as he wipes his brow in amazed relief.
All the best,
[This message has been edited by keybplayer (edited 06-29-2009).]