Originally posted by mikey_maestro:
So why were on the subject of contraversial subject matter. Why is Scott yee not allowed on here anymore.
Well I have avoided discussing this on the forum but I will clear this up here for once and for all.
Once upon a time ...
Quite some time back Scott posted a rather disgusting link aimed at Diki on the forum. He ended up removing it but not before it had been seen by a number of us. As he had removed it I let the matter slide even though I should have banned him then. But Scott couldn't let things rest and continued to slam me persistantly in his posts about me being to easy on people and not banning when members stepped over the line. In the end I finally gave in and banned him for his behavior as he was requesting. Though he probably wasn't considering his behavior to have been inappropriate. If he had simply backed off I never would have blocked him. He forced my hand.
It is that simple.
On a sidenote I would be quite happy to consider lifting the ban as Scott has always been a longtime valued member of the forum and has contributed a lot to us all. If he contacted me to request it I would be certainly let bygones be bygones. But up to now I have had no such request. But it is always open if he should decide to ask me.
[This message has been edited by Nigel (edited 07-05-2009).]