For starters, let me say thanks to those of you that appreciate my posting here. It is gratifying to find people that aren't going out of their way to find fault with the least thing I post...
Sometimes I simply get the impression that if I post 'Have a nice day', someone is going to post back about my sarcastic tone!
There truly IS no pleasing some people...
About the multiple 'handles' as long as they are identified as derivative of the main moniker... How on earth could this possibly work?
It's like a business partner says to you 'Today, call me Ishmael... and don't let anything I have said or done in the past influence you"
Yeah, right! All you'll do is look at him with a new appreciation for schizophrenia.
Yes, I can definitely see using different handles on different forums, although I tend to keep mine on most, or derivatives of it (it's my real name, or at least, what I have used - and the way I have spelled it - since I was a pro player in the seventies). This might help you blend in (mind you, I still don't see why your name would be a problem) or appear more contemporary...
But for Pete's sake... what are you going to think of a post that say 'Donny Pesce (posting as John DiLeo)"? You aren't for ONE MINUTE going to think it is anything BUT Donny posting. Which kind of makes the whole thing moot. In addition to making the poster seem like an utter fool
. No... the only way this works is if the auxiliary identities remain anonymous, which opens the forum (as we have seen) to abuse and rancor.
I can't see why anyone would want that... we have enough already with just the ONE handle!
Not that I encourage Nigel to actually allow it, but it MIGHT be interesting to see if anyone on this forum IS strange enough to want to post under multiple handles, if they were actually identified as such..!
Diki the Meek (posting as Conan the Barbarian)