Originally posted by cassp:
Mikey - Mr9000 sounds very European which may account for his style of humor and writing syntax. Don't take offense, especially since he says he meant no harm. Different words and phrases get lost in translation - even in English, especially in English.
You have a point, BUT... Once the poster realizes that his words ARE being taken in another fashion that he intended, especially as a non-English speaker, that is the time for an apology, and to clarify that they WERE merely joking. Mr9000 seems merely content to repeat himself (and his joke) even though he realizes he has insulted his target (or at least that it is taken that way).
"I'm sorry, it was meant as a joke' is not THAT hard to come out with, no matter WHAT language you speak...
Lord knows, half the things even I say in jest get taken the wrong way, and I DO speak good English (and write it better than many of my American cousins
Then again, you look hard enough for it, 'Have a Nice Day' can be misconstrued.
Me, I am far more content to ridicule the IDEA of multiple handles than someone who says they don't mind it. After all, isn't that what we are doing? I hope so, anyway! I don't think Mikey is crazy. But I still fail to see the point in arguing for AND against something just for the exercise.
And if the secondary handle is there merely to bolster your primary handle's opinion, that is the kind of thing that should get you banned, IMO...