#268415 - 09/06/09 12:35 AM
Re: Titanic
Registered: 09/05/09
Posts: 64
Loc: Germany
Originally posted by Anthony Johnson: It was a midi file, produced by Roland for a demo of one of their keyboards around 1999 - 2000 Hello my friends! Iīm the young guy, whoīs playing this stuff! Iīm a little bit surprise, about your sentence. I made everything by myself. I donīt know anything about a midi file by Roland. It could be, that Roland made it in this time, but I didnīt use it in my creation. I used my pegasus for playing and the cakewalk sonar 8 for recording software. I made some different effects in recording, to make the song so authentic like the origianl song from celine dion. Well, I heared some opinions, that the song isnīt my work and Iīm very very tired about this opinion because of my hard and long work for this :-( However, I thank you very much for listening my song. If you would like to hear more stuff of me, visit my channel http://www.youtube.com/user/kilney ;-) Thank you, that you take your time for reading my message and I have to apology fo my terrible english! Best regards from germany! Robert
#268417 - 09/06/09 04:37 AM
Re: Titanic
Registered: 02/03/02
Posts: 347
Loc: Sheffield Yorkshire England
Quote Robert: Iīm the young guy, whoīs playing this stuff! Iīm a little bit surprise, about your sentence. I made everything by myself. I donīt know anything about a midi file by Roland. It could be, that Roland made it in this time, but I didnīt use it in my creation. Well, I heared some opinions, that the song isnīt my work and Iīm very very tired about this opinion because of my hard and long work for this.
Hi Robert, As I am the only one who referred to the Roland midi file, I presume that it's my opinion which has upset you. I would never purposely put down a fellow keyboard player - I believe goodwill should reign supreme on forums such as this. However, without wishing to belittle you or denigrate your performance, my observation was made on the grounds that the backing (not the right hand part) is exactly identical to the one on the midi file. It's quite obvious that Roland also ensured that their work sounded as authentic as the Celine Dion original and, although it's not an impossible coincidence, I myself, have never heard two identical performances of any song before. Although I always use a style when playing Titanic in public, I must have spent many hours playing along with the Roland midi file and am familiar with every note / inflection of the song as played by the midi - as a result of this exactly identical sound, I decided that this backing must be the work of Roland (with a few extra little bits added & some volumes changed slightly). I did enjoy your rendition of the song and I'm sorry if you are upset by my remark but I still find it hard to accept two such coincidentally identical backings as the work of two different people.
Incidentally, there is a style for the Titanic theme, converted for most brands of keyboard, knocking around on the internet - I don't know where the style originated but, this style is also, without any doubt, derived from the same Roland midi file. Sorry again Robert, but best wishes anyway, Tony Don't worry about your English - far better than my German!
#268419 - 09/08/09 01:11 AM
Re: Titanic
Registered: 09/05/09
Posts: 64
Loc: Germany
Dear Tony,
Thank you for your statement! It doesnīt matter ;-).
But youīre right, that thereīs a sequenz from roland (After your statement, I chearched it in google and found it ;-)). I was really wondering, that their and my version havenīt any differences.
But I swear, that I didnīt use any midi file or style. All my music, I made by ear without notes and I always hear a song again, again and again to found every little accord and instrument, what is integrating in the original song, to sound my version really authentic! Cakewalk helps me, to get it so great, too.
I thank you very much for your information about the roland version (I keep it in my back!). Itīs very important for me, because of knowing it for further statements for the future (for my version).
Best wishes for you, my friend!
Robert ;-)