Bill, Here's some more info to confuse you, Windows 7 is really not necessarily a first generation OS. Vista was more like the first generation and Win 7 is now what Vista should have been. There's many discussions on tech forums regarding that. One of the best I've found is, Paul Thurrott who I don't know personally coincidentally lives just a short distance from one of the offices I work out of.
Anyway I digress, knowing what I know now and not already having invested in what I have in an iMac, a Windows Desktop and a laptop....... if I had to start fresh I would buy a Mac Book Pro using Snow Leopard at least 15 inch screen, I would use boot camp ( I prefer it to Parallels, just personal taste). I would run Windows 7 on the separate partition and you'd have the best of both worlds.
This past weekend I upgraded my iMac to Snow Leopard and installed via built in Boot Camp Windows 7 on another partition. I'm really enjoying the iMac, but I work in a Windoze world. Yea, Apple hardware is pricey no mistake. But think about it Apple makes the hardware and software for their machines. Microsoft makes software that has to run on machines made by many vendors, certainly more of a challenge.
So far as learning the Mac OS I highly recommend taking maybe a one or 2 month subscription to the web site ($25 per month) and watching the tutorials on switching from Windows to Mac. $25 give you acess dozens of Mac Tutorials. It's well worth the cost rather than slug thru pages of a text book or getting frustrated trying to figure things out on your own. By the way I'd love to see a site similar to offer tutorials on arranger keyboards.
[This message has been edited by Stephenm52 (edited 09-01-2009).]