Thanks everone for helping me out here, but...
I've pulled it apart, found the battery. I checked it with a multimeter and it's still churning out 3.02 volts (it's a 3v battery) even under load, so thats not it. I cleaned the contacts (that's HARD) but still no joy. I reset all 4 resetable things (factory default, GS, etc) but still no enchilada..
Could the presets become corrupt? I mean, all of them? I seems to me that there is a distortion envelope surrounding each sound. I used to do this on purpose on my SH101.. Could the previous owner have done a total mod of all the presets that a reset won't reset? I'm new to XP's and unemployed so I can't afford to get Roland to fix it. They say they will charge me $200 Aussie (that's $400US) just to open the case.. ba#tards..
Any ideas??
Ta all.
Originally posted by dnarkosis:
The battery is hidden deep inside the instrument so only those initiated into the mystic goodies of JV/XP technology (= authorized service shops) can change it.
The battery is what saves your otherwise volatile user memory and system settings.
Check out the section on "Error messages" in the back of your users manual.
Several times over the past few years posters on the JV80/880/90/1000 Yahoo group have queried concerning how long the battery lasts. No one really seems to know. I've had my JV1000 since 1993 and have yet to get the mysterious "Battery Low" message (knock on wood).