If you want to do Voiceovers, and edit the things together, you are going to have to come to grips with some sort of video editing, Nedim. Plus, you are going to find that a camcorder with line-ins is probably going to be quite a bit more than most...

Frankieve is the guy to query on this stuff, IMO. He put together some pretty good video's for the Audya with a camcorder, and managed to wild sync in very high quality audio by running a Zoom at the same time, and replacing the camcorder audio with the Zoom's in a simple video editor. The whole advantage of solid state recorders and video recorders is, sync isn't really an issue, as there is no tape mechanism to introduce fluctuations. If you accurately replace out the audio at the beginning of a video, it is almost a certainty that it will still be in sync after hours! This certainly wasn't the case with video tape!

Many modern simple 'home' video editors have all the power you would need, and little complexity. I know if you were a Mac man, iMovie would be all you need... No doubt the PC contingent can advise you on a similar, easy to use PC app. Just don't expect it to be free like iMovie is!
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!