Hi Harold.
Here's my problem with all this and why I said what I did.
1: He went to a website that clearly mentions cracked software on every page.
2: The membership benefits listed on the website clearly mention every form of pirate software / movie / media going.
3: If you search for any program it will be listed as fully cracked software in the title.
4: There is porn all over the webiste pages.
5:..... look I think you get the point, there's clear indications at every turn what the website is offering and that it's ALL illegal.
I'm not calling the guy a liar or a thief. I'm simply saying, what else did he expect, and that I also have absolutely no sympathy for him. How anyone could miss so many signs and not even read what it says on the website before entering in their credit card details defies belief.
Would think One who Produces Sampled Keyboard Products for Sale,and a Internet Business Person could and would want to conduct themself more Professionally...These People on this Forum and People reading could be Potential Customers!...It Sure Does not make GOOD Business sense to Me...
I have never been anything but myself online and I don't think there is anyone here that can question my good intentions for my fellow musicians regardless of what I said in this thread. If anything I think I've even tried to watch out for the guy by suggesting he get the thread removed. I've actually done this for him over on KORG Forum since I own that site, which is again justy more prof that I'm not a trouble maker looking for a fight or to just rip someone apart. You would have to go along way to find someone who as done so much good work for so many online as I have.
Not a Good Way to "Win Friends and influence People"....Dale Carniegie
Read it

, great book.
[This message has been edited by Irishacts (edited 09-01-2009).]