Nedim wrote:
As i did and was objective in this topic but people are ignorants. I dont care about anyones
bussines or feelings, i say and tell it as it is. And yes, when i go to bars if i woman is FAT i tell
her straight YOU ARE FAT. I am just brutally honest. As for the Audya...yes, i still do like the synth but
i am dissapointed, i am not bashing at it, i am just stating facts. As for the PA2X goes i was never dissapoinred,
only in OS2 when it came out there was problems AND I WAS THE SOLE REASON IN THE WORLD THAT
AND PAOLO TRAMANONI IN ITALY, otherwise it was not happening. You guys dont know many things
about me, especially Korg owners, many things you play and enjoy today are cuz of ME, in many OSs...
here behind my computer browsing forums is not all i do...i do other things too. Everyone knows the wars
i waged on Korg Forums when that happened...few months later, OS 2.0 something for M3, another war,
this time James remembers, Me, Jerry, James, Darren, the engineers from Japan, by 100 e-mails a day
in conference...and fixed the problem. Any OS on any machine that comes out, I am the ONLY one that
first comes up with the bugs and problems, thats why many companies, Head Engineers and Staff sends
me tons of e-mails to stop telling the tru Collors cuz they know how much effect i have on hundreds and
thousand of people, maybe not on this forum but there is hundreds of them where my word is last.
If i say its not good they wont buy it. Thats why they e-mail me every day to stop bashing machines cuz
they know my people listen to only what i say...not cuz i am right, only cuz they think i am right.
this may be a wee bit off topic, but
Hey Nedim,
with all your influence, tact, and talent, have u ever considered solving the simple problem of world peace?
