You know, I really only see a tiny minority use their samplers to any great extent, I see only a tiny minority EVER try to put their own tempo sliced loops into the sampler, this all seems like a storm in a teacup...
Fact is, all that is happening here is a bunch of wonks or nerds arguing chip specs. There isn't really any likelihood that these capabilities are going to get exercised, so why bother getting all worked up about a capability virtually none of you are ever going to use?
I have noticed VERY few T1/T2 users EVER complain about how slow they are to save Custom Voices that they have created. You know why...? Because virtually nobody DOES use the freakin' sampler! If they did, they'd be bitching about it all the time, and the save and load times would be something avidly discussed when a new model comes out. Know how many Yamaha users showed ANY concern about the T3's save time for the sampler...? ZERO!
That's about the same number as Ketron users who ever posted a demo showing off their own sampled loops in a style. And they have had this capability on the SD-1 for years...
And, I guarantee, once any of you actually TRY to use third party loops, and finally find out how difficult it is to get a whole set matched, trimmed and integrated with a style, you'll realize that none of this terribly urgent discussion about capabilities and 'potential' is of any matter at all!
I mean, c'mon! Hands up everybody that uses live loops in their show right now... Yep, didn't think so. One or two of you. if that. Thing is, you've had this feature for YEARS since the first arranger had the first sampler. And you didn't use it much. Just enough to find out what a PITA it is, if that.
So why has it turned into an obsession with the Audya...?
I pretty much am convinced no more of you are going to use this feature than already do. The rest of us could perhaps go back to worrying about things that are FAR more important, like maybe whether the timing glitches have been fixed, or whether the MIDI and audio guitar chords have been tweaked to sound more cohesive, or whether Ketron have developed many NEW audio styles for it since its' release... Because, when push comes to shove, it is going to be Ketron that uses the loop features a LOT more than anyone here is going to...