After two years of using E60, I decided to go back and buy the Pa50 once again, since I had that keyboard four years ago.
Eventhough I played GW8 only once, briefly, I liked the modern sounds and functions, but the lack of even basic editing tools was a turn down. But it had better sounds than E60, mostly. In fact, the lack of detail and definition on sounds in E60 made me consider getting the triton sounds again, for half the price it used to be.
I have to agree that some of Korg's sounds are simply old, but very good nevertheless. Not so modern, not multisample drum kits, no mp3, no memory card, no USB, old and difficult style creation or conversion. But the sounds are still top class and more usable than many of Roland's. To me at least.
One more thing, my previous Pa50 was crappy made and was freezing out of blue. This one is working perfectly, no flows whatsoever. I am very happy with it and I tend to agree that it is indeed "best bang for the buck". To me at least.
Yamaha S770, Studio One 3, EMU 0404USB, ESI, ATH, Dell. And others.