These things are so subjective, you really do just have to go and listen for yourself.
I've listened to the EVP88 demos at the Emagic site, and they are *very* impressive indeed (though the Stage seems a little too DXish for me).
My *very* humble opinion is that the 60s/70s board is the best PCM version of the real Rhodes (not the DX version). I owned a Suitcase 73 for quite a while, and I've gotten close to it by using the 60s/70s patches in Performance Layer mode, i.e., by layering two or even three of the 60s/70s patches together, panning, detuning, weaking the velocity range of the tones, and tweaking the envelopes.
But just for going out and playing a jazz gig: I have always just used the patches on the board straight up, no problem.
A *lot* (a __LOT__) also depends on what amps and speakers you're running things through. I use Barbetta keyboard amps.
But really, ultimately you need to audition stuff yourself.
Good luck. Ain't it nice to have choices?