Originally posted by cgiles:
Tony, I think we ALL thought it was rude (I don't really like the word 'ignorant') behavior. ......
An interesting side note: not once during all of this, the incident and the aftermath, did Mr. West go 'potty mouth', which is way more than we can say about those who would have him drawn and quartered.
That's the part that bothers me chas ... why SHOULDN'T we be bothered by rude behavior (I'll drop the ignorant part because that implies a lack of knowledge - and Kanye West should have known better) ...
I increasingly see the deterioration of respectful behavior in society so I get upset with that ... as I've said before, look at what the children are watching even under the title of 'children's shows' such as seen on the Disney channel: wisecrack comments to other kids and adults; lack of respect for other people and or their property; etc., etc., etc. ... I won't even go into the video 'games' ... How will this society interact with each other in 20, 30 years ... how are they interacting with each other NOW ???
I look at this situation no differently than two adults having a conversation and another just barges in and talks over the one who was speaking ... it is RUDE behavior...
And YES, I think the Senator who yelled "LIAR" was RUDE ...
And as far as the 'potty mouth', good for him... but I still consider what he did as rude behavior ...
And while I may not be long for this world, I worry about the society my grandchildren will be surrounded by ...
PS sorry chas ... I misread your reply and had to make a slight change to mine ...

[This message has been edited by tony mads usa (edited 09-24-2009).]