Well, I finally got around to taking my own advice!
I have always felt that conversion of styles is MUCH easier if you can actually listen to the original. So... I fired up my ZoomH2 and recorded the GW-8L's ROM styles (so far, just the Pop/Rock section - all 56 of them!) to help those trying to convert these. Even other Roland arrangers (E/G series) fail to map the sounds very well, it being a new product based on an entirely new module from previous Roland's (Sonic Cell). So just loading the style is going to sound TERRIBLE!
You've either got to pore over the patch maps for each product to try and figure out from the style data what sound is supposed to be which, and even that's not that easy, as cryptic as some of the names are, or simply LISTEN to the original, upon which, what sounds each of the Parts are becomes pretty obvious.
I prefer the latter!
So, for all your listening and tweaking pleasure, here are the audio files:
http://www.synthzone.com/files/GW8-L%20Rock_Pop%20styles%20audio.zip Nigel has been very kind to host this for quite a while. A word about the files. This is a fairly large file (about 64MB) so those on dial up better be prepared to wait a long time! Due to forum software, it has to be one file, so it is a folder containing the 56 styles in MP3 format. They are recorded at 128kbps (would have liked a bit better, but the file size would have mushroomed). For all but abacus and spalding, this should be sufficient for you to tell all the parts' sounds..!
The structure I chose was Intro4 (the complex one) Var1 Fill1 Var2 Fill2 Var3 Fill3 Var4 Fill4 (forgot this one on some of the recordings) and Ending4 (the complex one). All on the chord of Cmaj. Every sound the style uses should be present with this system.
The styles themselves (untweaked, in simply GW-8 form) are available here:
http://www.roland-arranger.com/smf/index.php?topic=1179.msg7126#msg7126 along with manuals and patch lists. Only the ROM styles and NOT the World section are here, as the GW-8L has an additional 64MB of samples specifically for those World styles, and would translate VERY poorly to arrangers without them.
For those of you with slower internet collections, each of the styles' audio can be streamed from here:
http://roland-arranger.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=302&Itemid=42 (with thatks to Søren at R-A.com for all his work putting them up).
I am not sure if you have to be a member to stream them. If so, don't worry, it's free and easy to do...
I am currently working on the remainder of the ROM styles (Jazz/Latin and Traditional) and will get those posted as soon as recorded...
I hope those of you into style conversion will find this resource useful. I only hope that some of you find it SO useful that you might consider doing it to your OWN arranger's ROM styles. I would particularly like to hear recordings of PA1X, PA2X and T2 styles, to help with my own conversions. Yes, it takes a fair bit of time (these took me maybe 2-3 hours recording), but it will be an invaluable resource that will remain useful for a LONG time...