The trouble with resistance to change is that it tends to lump in what is GOOD for the country along with what is bad...
Almost every social program in this country (integration, desegregation, Medicare, Medicaid, public assistance for higher education, environmental standards, clean air, clean water, yada yada yada) was at one time, opposed by the Republicans.
I had to laugh when I see the teabaggers crying out 'No government interference with MY Medicare' completely ignoring the fact that, Medicare IS the Government... AND that the very same kinds of people as they are were protesting against it when it was first proposed.
Change just SEEMS scary as it happens, but so far, the sky hasn't fallen, and all the opposers to most of these programs are VERY much for them now (other than the racists!).
But hey! USA! We're #17! Go Team! Let's shoot for 100(th). If we put our (lack of) minds together, we can achieve this...