But seriously...
It's actually a pretty good topic title. "Singing robot takes requests is this whats next in our future as musicians also?...." (Mind you, the robot would have spelled it right
You see, what's the difference between a singing robot, and a DJ? It's a completely valid question. BOTH provide music with no human assistance whatsoever. But I don't see how this impacts MUSICIANS. There's no musicians in this clip. There's no musicians there when a DJ plays (as much as we'd like to fool ourselves), either. A robot could do as good a job.
The more we prostitute ourselves, and act as a DJ, or a karaoke presenter, the LESS we are musicians. So, for us to actually HAVE a future as a musician, we should stay clear of blurring the line any more than it already is. Personally, I am of the opinion that a musician is someone who MAKES music. Not someone who works a CD player, or karaoke machine (whether disguised as an arranger or not
Are singers 'musicians'? That's a question with a LOT of different answers..! Once again, I am on the side of those that either actually accompany themselves, or those that use REAL musicians to accompany them. Otherwise, what is the difference between themselves and some poor Joe Schmo in a karaoke bar? Can he claim to be a 'musician'? If you whistle in the shower, are you a 'musician'?
As long as we ourselves (REAL musicians, for the most part, here at SZ) keep lowering the bar for what is acceptable to do and STILL be called a 'musician', the more we open ourselves up to competition from those with no skills at all (DJ's) and even robots, for Pete's sake, to be labeled as 'musicians'.
Not a day I look forward to, especially knowing some of my peers actually made it happen...
For us to even HAVE a future as 'musicians', we need defend vigorously what a musician IS. And so far, it seems we are only TOO delighted to water it down and dilute the definition. I mean, it's sexy to CALL yourself a 'musician'... it's got all kinds of connotations better than 'tape operator' or 'jukebox maintenance engineer'. But for it to have any meaning, it can't be those things. Or the jukebox operators (and robots!) can call themselves 'musicians' with impunity...