Don't worry about criticizing the board... I already have, for several reasons. Doesn't mean I don't LIKE it, though!

See, that's what I'm LOOKING for, here at SZ. Even though you might LIKE an arranger, even though you might OWN an arranger, you should still be objective enough to point out and criticize its' flaws as well as praise it for its' strong points. Why some of us feel the need to CONCEAL flaws to self-justify a purchase beats me. Say it after me, c'mon, it won't hurt...

The more we discuss flaws in our OWN arranger, the more the industry is going to pay attention to them. They certainly don't really care what someone who owns something ELSE thinks about their product (not that much, anyway

). First and foremost come the owners, and their opinions.
Your arranger is like your kids... Let them grow up without a word of criticism, praise them for everything they do, no matter how much they mess up, and you will raise a spoiled brat, good for nothing ne'er-do-well. Show a little tough love, my friends...